Weekly Reflection 11-2-18

Writing Piecewise Functions:
I will be able to write piecewise functions.

An example of writing piecewise functions:

In order to write a piecewise function the first thing I look at the higher function and figure out if the function goes on forever or has a ending point. The top line does have a ending point with a closed circle. This means that this is a real point and not a placeholder so the equation x if x is greater than or equal to 2 would work for the top line. The bottom line has an open circle so this mean it is not a real point it is just a placeholder. This line is pointing upward toward the second quadrant with an arrow. The equation -.5x+-.5 if x is less than 1 (not equal to because the circle is open).

One misconception I had was with when two points were at the same coordinate but from different functions and had different end points. For example lets say two graphs have converge on the same point but one graph has a closed circle and the other has a open circle. I did not know whether to say that the over all point was real or not. I overcame this misconception when discussing it with one of my classmates they explained that since one point said that it is real then the overall coordinate is real even if it had an imaginary point there also.

EQ- What strategies do you use when creating your piecewise function?
When creating a piecewise function I usually always follow a set of steps. I look to see if the line goes on for infinity in both directions (arrows on both ends), goes infinity in one direction (one arrow and one end point), or is a line segment (has end points on both sides of the graph). Then I look to see if the graph has a slope or no slope/constant. After that I find out what the equation is for the line. Then check to see if the line has open or closed circles. Then finally create my if then statement.


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